About Meatless Mouthfuls

Hi there!!  My name is Stephanie.

Among other things, I am a vegetarian (and have been for 18+ years), a stay at home mom to Gemma (who is also a vegetarian)

and Cleo (who is a mouthy calico cat)

and the best wife in the world to Jake, my husband who works in the booming film industry here in New Mexico.

I am, however, neither chef nor cook and this is why in the past few years, especially with a husband who works insanely long hours, I have come to know and love the eateries in our area that offer take-out. They have also come to know and love me. By name. This is not the approach to food that I want to pass on to Gemma, so I have been steadily changing my dining out ways! Yeah, we still go out to breakfast at least once a weekend (because the mere thought of cooking breakfast in my kitchen makes me want to run away from home) but that’s really about it. I’m incredibly proud of the progress that we’ve made since I’ve started this blog. My readers have definitely helped to keep me accountable!

I’ve always been disappointed with vegetarian cookbooks and recipes that call for either a bunch of ingredients that no one ever has on hand, or that rely heavily on the use of “fake meat”. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good Gardenburger or Morningstar Farms Chik Patty, but I never really liked meat all that much before I stopped eating it so why should I crap up a perfectly delicious pasta sauce or breakfast casserole with “meat” crumbles just for the hell of it?  One of my goals is to show even the most enthusiastic meat-eaters that it is possible to make really good REAL food that just so happens to be vegetarian!

2 responses to this post.

  1. From one veggie to another: so glad I found your little corner of the web today! And I couldn’t agree more–why do we feel the need to spoil perfectly good food with fake meat?! Though sometimes it is pretty good (but nothing that mimics meat too well, that just freaks me out).


    • I totally agree! I have a few fake chicken products that I like (usually to cut up to put in salads for easy extra protein) but I don’t give them to the babe because I don’t want to have to have that conversation with her! No fake beef or sausage here…YUCK!!


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